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Workshop on regional landslide early warning systems

Published: 4/1/2022

Presentations and posters.

Purpose of the workshop. Graziella Devoli, NVE

The Norwegian landslide warning system

Regional early warning for soil slides, debris flows, and slush flow in Norway. Hervé Colleuille, NVE; Tore Humstad and Roald Aabøe, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, SVV

State of the art about national and regional EWS in the different countries 

Landslide and Debris-Flow Early Warning in the United States. Dennis Staley, USGS

Daily landslide hazard assessments; the use of process models and weather regimes to enhance the capability to issue regionally specific forecast and provide longer outlooks. Helen Reeves and Joanne Robbins, BGS-Met Office, UK.

Early warnings for shallow landslides in Iceland. Harpa Grímsdóttir, Vedur.

EWS for rainfall-induced slope phenomena: shallow landslides and channelized debris flows in Piemonte, Italy
Davide Tiranti and Roberto Cremonini, ARPA Piemonte.

Towards an operational rainfall induced landslide early warning system for Italy. Fausto Guzzetti, CNR

Monitoring and early warning systems in Austria – an overview. Rudolf Schmidt and Margarete Wöhrer Alge, die Wildbach

Early warning systems for landslides in Switzerland. Manfred Stähli, WSL

Early warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides in Sweden. Charlotte Cederbom, SGI

Experiences from case studies

Iceland - Permafrost landslide in Móafellshyrna mountain in 2012. Jón Kristinn Helgason, Vedur.

Switzerland – Case study from Swiss prealpine area (Emmental) from 2002 and 2005. Manfred Stähli, WSL

USA – Case study on expansion of the post-fire debris-flow early warning system, currently operational in southern California, to other areas in the western United States. Dennis Staley, USGS

Norway - Landslide events in Gudbrandsdalen in June 2011 and May 2013. Søren Boje and Graziella Devoli, NVE

UK – Antecedent precipitation as a potential proxy for landslide incidence in South West UK: a case study reflecting on 2012/2013 landslide season. Tom Dijkstra, BGS


Landslide response signatures from storm Desmond (UK) / Synne(Norway), December 2015. BGS and NVE 

A forecast analysis tool for extreme hydrological conditions in Norway. NVE 

Forecasting rainfall-induced landslide at country level: Recent experiences from El Salvador and Norway. SNET and NVE

The Norwegian earlywarningsystem for rainfall-and snowmelt-inducedlandslides. NVE

Improving regional slush flow early warning by establishing thresholds. University of Oslo and NVE