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Ski touring in Norway - important information | Varsom.no

Warning from MET Norway for Outer Vestfjord, Roest Bank, Vesteraalbanks, Banks outside Troms, Tromsoeflaket and Hjelmsoey bank and C4, C5 and Deep D4, Deep E4 and E3


Polar low, yellow level (MET)

Published: Valid: from 08.12.2019 13:00 to 10.12.2019 01:00


Polar low


Abrupt change in wind speed and wind direction.


Be aware of abrupt weather changes.


A polar low is developing east of Bear Island. The low is expected to move southwestwards and vil probably reach the Vesteraals banks on Monday afternoon. The low is expected to give north gale force 8 to severe gale force 9 west of the center.

Polar low, yellow level, Outer Vestfjord, Roest Bank, Vesteraalbanks, Banks outside Troms, Tromsoeflaket and Hjelmsoey bank and C4, C5 and Deep D4, Deep E4 and E3, 08 December 12:00 UTC to 10 December 00:00 UTC.
Polar low, yellow level, Outer Vestfjord, Roest Bank, Vesteraalbanks, Banks outside Troms, Tromsoeflaket and Hjelmsoey bank and C4, C5 and Deep D4, Deep E4 and E3, 08 December 12:00 UTC to 10 December 00:00 UTC.