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Read more about how to read and share observations on Varsom app and Regobs system | Varsom.no.

Ski touring in Norway - important information | Varsom.no

Avalanche warning for region Svartisen Tuesday 19.04.2022

Danger level 3 - Considerable avalanche danger

The danger increases throughout the day. Intense solar radiation will weaken the snow surface. Large wet avalanches are possible on sunny slopes. Old persistent layers could fail in the high alpine.

Avalanche problems

Wet snow (loose snow avalanches)

Avalanches may release spontaneously on a few steep slopes. Avalanches can get large enough to bury a car or destroy a small house (size 3).

Loose snow

Persistent weak layer (slab avalanches)

Avalanches may release spontaneously on some steep slopes. Avalanches can get large enough to bury a car or destroy a small house (size 3). Remote triggering is possible.

Buried weak layer of faceted snow near surface

Below you can see a description of the current snow cover information and current weather forecast in the mountains. If your observations deviate greatly from what is described here, the warning will not necessarily apply either. Always make your own judgments or stay away from avalanche terrain.

Snow cover (in Norwegian)

Monday 18. April 2022

Det har de siste dagene vært pent vær og litt soloppvarming.

Mildværet i påsken gikk høyt i terrenget og gjorde snøoverflaten vått til ca. 12-1400 moh.

Det begynner å blir lite snø i lavlandet, særlig ute ved kysten.

I høyfjellet kan kantkornlaget fra mars fortsatt ligge gjemt. Dette kan våkne til liv når sola står på.

Problemet er mest utbredt i indre strøk.

Mountain weather

Monday 18. April 2022

Little to no precipitation. Fresh breeze from southwest. -2 °C to 4 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Cloudy.

Tuesday 19. April 2022

No precipitation. Fresh breeze from southeast, changing to breeze from the south during the afternoon. -4 °C to 6 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Clear skies.


The bulletin is a planning tool and may differ from the actual situation. Always make your own evaluation. To be 100 % avalanche safe, avoid all avalanche terrain.

Avalanche risk assessment

Skredfaren vil øke utover dagen.

Store våte løssnøskred kan gå når sola har fått stekt lenge.

Det vil være lett for skiløpere å løse ut skred i bratte solhellinger.

Det kan ikke utelukkes at det går store naturlig utløste skred på kantkorn i høyfjellet når solvarmen trekker ned i snødekket. Dette gjelder indre strøk.
Avalanche danger scale Important information for ski touring
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