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Read more about how to read and share observations on Varsom app and Regobs system | Varsom.no.

Ski touring in Norway - important information | Varsom.no

Avalanche warning for region Lyngen Monday 01.03.2021

Danger level 4 - High avalanche danger

Very dangerous avalanche conditions. Travel in avalanche terrain not recommended. We expect wet slab activity around and below treeline. Wind slabs can be easily triggered in the alpine.

Avalanche problems

Wind drifted snow (slab avalanches)

on many steep slopes. Avalanches can get large enough to bury a car or destroy a small house (size 3).

Buried weak layer of new snow

Persistent weak layer (slab avalanches)

on some steep slopes. Avalanches can get large enough to bury a car or destroy a small house (size 3).

Buried weak layer of faceted snow near surface

Wet snow (slab avalanches)

on a few steep slopes. Avalanches can get large enough to bury a car or destroy a small house (size 3).

Water pooling in/above snow layers

Below you can see a description of the current snow cover information and current weather forecast in the mountains. If your observations deviate greatly from what is described here, the warning will not necessarily apply either. Always make your own judgments or stay away from avalanche terrain.

Snow cover (in Norwegian)

Sunday 28. February 2021

Søndag gikk mildværet opp til ca 1000 moh. Snødekket har blitt fuktet høyt opp og i lavereliggende strøk har snødekket blitt gjennombløtet.

Tidligere snødekke var preget av kraftig vind fra forskjellige retninger

Før mildværet var det vedvarende svake lag av kantkorn og begerkrystaller i snødekket.

Dette finnes enten ved bakken, i forbindelse med skare eller i lag under fokksnøen.

Søndag er det observert flere store naturlig utløst skred i regionen.

Det er meldt om flere drønn i snødekket den siste tiden.

Mountain weather

Sunday 28. February 2021

25 mm precipitation, up to 40 mm in the most exposed areas. Strong breeze from west, changing to gale from the west during renoon. -4 °C to 1 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Cloudy.

Monday 1. March 2021

20 mm precipitation, up to 30 mm in the most exposed areas. Moderate gale from west, changing to strong breeze from the west during the afternoon. -7 °C to -1 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Cloudy.


The bulletin is a planning tool and may differ from the actual situation. Always make your own evaluation. To be 100 % avalanche safe, avoid all avalanche terrain.

Avalanche risk assessment

Det er fortsatt stor fare for store naturlig utløste skred. Belastningen av nedbøren kan løse ut skred i vedvarende svake lag og gi større skred.

Temperaturen synker og nysnø og vind danner ustabile fokksnøflak.

Der snødekket fortsatt er vått vil det kunne løsne store våte flakskred først på dagen.
Avalanche danger scale Important information for ski touring
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