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Forecast issued by NVE and MET for Balsfjord Monday 2024-03-18

Highest danger level per day
The highest danger level per day is currently only governed by flood and landslide warnings


Green level (NVE)


Natural released avalanches are expected. Wind slabs are likely due to heavy snowfall, strong winds and the presence of persistent weak layers on a slick crust. Wet avalanches are expected where it rains. Deep persistent weak layers might also become active, in which case very large avalanches are possible. (NVE)


Natural released avalanches are expected. Wind slabs are likely due to heavy snowfall, strong winds and the presence of persistent weak layers on a slick crust. Wet avalanches are expected where it rains. Deep persistent weak layers might also become active, in which case very large avalanches are possible. (NVE)


Natural released avalanches are expected. Wind slabs are likely due to heavy snowfall, strong winds and the presence of persistent weak layers on a slick crust. Wet avalanches are expected where it rains. Deep persistent weak layers might also become active, in which case very large avalanches are possible. (NVE)


General unstable conditions. Wet loose and slab avalanches are expected at lower elevations where precipitation comes in the form of rain. At higher elevations where it snows there will also be strong winds and wind slabs are expected to release naturally. (NVE)


Natural released avalanches are expected. Wind slabs are likely due to heavy snowfall, strong winds and the presence of persistent weak layers on a slick crust. Wet avalanches are expected where it rains. Deep persistent weak layers might also become active, in which case very large avalanches are possible. (NVE)

Indre Troms

Blowing snow

Blowing snow, yellow level (MET)

Parts of Nordland, Troms and West-Finnmark

  • Published: 17.03.2024 23:39
  • Valid: from 17.03.2024 20:00 to 18.03.2024 08:00


Ice, yellow level (MET)

Parts of Vesterålen, Ofoten and Troms

  • Published: 17.03.2024 13:53
  • Valid: from 18.03.2024 11:00 to 18.03.2024 23:59