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Forecast issued by NVE and MET for Balsfjord Thursday 2024-04-25

Highest danger level per day
The highest danger level per day is currently only governed by flood and landslide warnings


Green level (NVE)


Green level (NVE)


Several persistent weak layers are buried in the snowpack at the moment. Near-surface facets below fresh wind slabs are most sensitive to skier-triggering. Deeper buried persistent facets around a crust are more stubborn, however, can produce large avalanches. Take danger signs such as whumpfs seriously. (NVE)


Fresh wind slabs have formed above a layer of near-surface facets. An accident on Rørnestinden Wednesday showed the possibility of skier triggering, also where the wind slabs are hard. Expect avalanches large enough to bury you. Be defensive around wind slabs and take alarm signs like whumpf sounds seriously. (NVE)


Several persistent weak layers require your full attention and defensive route choice. Be especially aware of fresh wind deposits overlying near-surface facets. Deeper lying instabilities are more stubborn but have larger spatial distribution and the poential to produce large avalanches. Take danger signs seriously. (NVE)

Indre Troms

Fresh wind slabs have formed above a layer of near-surface facets. We expect only small avalanches to release. However, since the snow surface is generally icy, also small avalanches can have high consequences when you get pulled over cliffs or into trees. Be defensive around wind slabs and look for danger signs. (NVE)


Small wet avalanches are expected in steep sun exposed terrain. In the alpine there may be smaller areas with unstable wind deposited snow. Keep a safe distance to cornices and glide cracks. Be aware of the risk of slipping where the snow surface is hard and icy. (NVE)
