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Forecast issued by NVE and MET for Balsfjord Tuesday 2024-03-26

Highest danger level per day
The highest danger level per day is currently only governed by flood and landslide warnings


Green level (NVE)


Green level (NVE)


Be careful with wind slabs on leeward slopes. Avoid sliding on hard and icy snow in steep terrain. Small, wet loose avalanches are possible on steep solar aspects. Persistent weak layers are currently believed to be stable, but there is a degree of uncertainty. (NVE)


Wind slabs from Sunday, and some fresh slabs from today, are possible to trigger in a few leeward slopes. The sun can also trigger a few small loose snow avalanches in steep terrain. Persistent weak layers are not active, except potentially around the most alpine peaks. Avoid sliding in steep terrain on hard snow. (NVE)


Locally unstable conditions. A skier or a snow mobile may trigger avalanches in the fresh wind slabs, while persistent weak layers deeper in the snow in general is hard to trigger. Be cautious of steep south facing slopes if the sun comes out, loose avalanches may release naturally. (NVE)


There is a persistant weak layer deep within the snowpack. Triggering an avalanche on this layer is unlikely, but the consequences would be serious. Steep south facing slopes may see some sluffing if the sun melts the snow surface. (NVE)

Indre Troms

Generally stable, but be careful in terrain with fresh wind-deposited snow from yesterday. Sunshine can trigger some loose snow avalanches despite low temperatures. Size 2 avalanches cannot be ruled out completely. Persistent weak layers are mostly stable for now. Be cautious when travelling on steep, slick slopes. (NVE)
